Fast delivery to Latvia, Estonia. Free return.

Returns & Exchanges

If you did not like the model, colour, size or other aspects of the purchased products, you can return them within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of delivery. We will exchange unsuitable products for other products of the same value or similar product or return the money. The refunded amount does not include shipping price, i.e. only the value of the product is refunded.

To return:

1) Log in to your account on our website. Go to “Orders” and start the return by clicking “Refund”. Mark the products you want to return. Enter the bank account number to which the money will be refunded. Fill your bank account number for refund transfer.

2) Send the products you want to return: UAB MODI 2, Zirmunu str. 68, Vilnius LT09124, Lithuania. Phone : +370 677 00749 Please write your order number on return note.

3) When returning the products in the store, you must provide the documents of purchase, i.e. item order number. If the product was bought at the place of sale, you must provide a purchase receipt.

4) If you bought items on the internet without registration, it is necessary to include a return certificate with personal details, account number and order number in the parcel with the products. Also, inform us via

5) You can also return products in our stores. The money is refunded by bank transfer within 10 business days.

 Products exchanged or returned must meet the following criteria:

– The products were not used (worn, etc.).

– The products have not been damaged.

– Each returnable product is in its original and undamaged package.

– The products have all original labels (protective films, etc.).

– Returnable products are complete and of good appearance.

Refund and exchange procedure

Your returned products are delivered to the point of sale and evaluated whether they were returned in compliance with the mentioned conditions. In the case of an exchange, the repeated delivery or pickup is discussed individually via email or phone.

 If the product is changed to another size, colour or model, the repeated delivery is free of charge. If the prices of exchangeable goods differ, the difference is refunded or must be paid.

 In case of return of products, the amount paid for the product(s) shall be refunded no later than within 10 business days from the agreement on the refund. The money is refunded to the account from which the order was paid.

Custom $ Taxes 
The customer must take full liability for any parcels returned to Diana Vapsve (Company MODI 2, UAB) due to unpaid customs charges or ignored/unseen emails from your customs office or chosen carrier. Any postal charges, returned shipment costs, customs charges and handling fees will be deducted from any due refund or exchange request.

 If you have any questions, contact us by phone: +37067700749

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